2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Public Safety Writing ( Daily Group 3) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Washington Times
    Entry Title: Senator wants to send military to Mexico; Cartels thrive under Biden's new policy; States look to hire illegal immigrants to fatten struggling police departments
    Entry Credit: Stephen Dinan, Joseph Clark
    Judge Comment: These pieces were so clearly written and well organized. They answered my questions and made me want to keep reading. Very informative and well thought out. Great job.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: Public Safety writing Laurence Hammack
    Entry Credit: Laurence Hammack
    Judge Comment: Great pieces of watchdog journalism. These are such important issues right now and these pieces get to the crux of one of America's biggest issues.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Washington Times
    Entry Title: War on government; Check your phone bill; Surge in mail crime points to phase-out of checks
    Entry Credit: Sean Salai
    Judge Comment: These stories all deal with issues close to American citizens -- issues that strike at the heart of where they live and what they believe. Nice job.
  • Competition Comment: This was a tough category. I had a lot of trouble choosing after my No. 1 pieces. Great job everyone.