2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Government Writing ( Non-Daily Group 4) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: C-VILLE Weekly
    Entry Title: Resident-led redevelopment; Looking forward; No curfew
    Entry Credit: Catie Ratliff
    Judge Comment: While all three of the stories are well-written and informative, I like how two of the three are government stories outside of the monthly board meeting. It shows the writer has a pulse on their community.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Inside NoVa/Prince William
    Entry Title: Public comment; HOA president; Planning turmoil
    Entry Credit: Nolan Stout
    Judge Comment: Good coverage of public comment limitations. It looks like the leadership in this group may be somewhat dysfunctional. Kudos to the reporter for letting the reader come to their own conclusions.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Inside NoVa/Prince William
    Entry Title: Wastewater; Administrative building; Pay hikes
    Entry Credit: Jared Foretek
    Judge Comment: Stories are reported on with clarity and accuracy and are easy to disseminate. Several different topics here. A typo or two brought the score down or it would have placed higher.
  • Competition Comment: Every submission had good content. I looked for well-written articles that were easy to disseminate and engaging. Kudos to the reporters in this state. I have never judged a BNC with so much good coverage. You all deserve recognition.