2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Feature Profile Writing (including News Obituaries) ( Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: Johanna Calfee: Storyteller, creative, journalist, lover of people, lived in light, took flight
    Entry Credit: Rachael Smith
    Judge Comment: In a solidly done class of entries, this story stood out for very strong organization. the subject was a woman who had done many things in her life. I liked how the story flowed. It would have been easy for this to be very clunky and kind of an "end then" timeline but it wasn't. Outstanding work!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: 'We all want to be like her': Amherst woman prepares to celebrate 104th birthday
    Entry Credit: Justin Faulconer
    Judge Comment: This was a close second in a very solid class of entries. I liked the writing style. Organization was strong. you used your material well. I liked the variety of quotes. Watch phrases like "just over" as that was bit distracting for me. But otherwise, very good work.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star
    Entry Title: 'The animals need our help'
    Entry Credit: Cathy Dyson
    Judge Comment: I liked this a lot. the subject was great. but I would have liked more information from a rescue organization about the challenges of rehoming older pets and other pets deemed to have special needs.
  • Competition Comment: This was a very solid and competitive group of entries. There was not a lot of wiggle room between the top three. The top writers used their material well, had strong organization and did some extra work. These stories flowed well for the reader. It was a challenge to pick the top ones and if I could have awarded a couple more places, I would have. Some stories would have placed higher had the writer found even one more source. My lone cranky judge comment here is that it is really really easy to go over the top with these, and want to inspire the reader. I think that temptation has to be resisted. It's easy to do but resist that kind of "inspiration porn" and you'll have better work. No one is perfect, not even cranky judges.