Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Bristol Herald Courier Entry Title: Gillespie has his priorities; A prep sports season like no other; Baseball returns to SW Virginia Entry Credit: Brian Woodson Judge Comment: Enjoyed reading the collection and wanted to read more!
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Bristol Herald Courier Entry Title: Happier days finally return; Dirt racing in Bristol; At least schools in SWVa played Entry Credit: Allen Gregory Judge Comment: Happier days did return. Good take on the return of sports.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star Entry Title: UMW teams eager to shake off rust, return to court; Oliver was merciless on field, a teddy bear off it; and Lord, I wasn’t born a gambling man Entry Credit: Steve DeShazo Judge Comment: Everyone likes the return of sports after COVID. Way to capture the moment.