Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Breeze Entry Title: Opinion Pages Entry Credit: Jillian Carey Judge Comment: An impressive array of tab page designs. Clean. Jillian doesn't overuse art elements. For the most art, color screens are used tastefuly. Best in show.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock Record Entry Title: Greetings, Bay Heritage, Corner Bygones Entry Credit: Susan Simmons Judge Comment: Susan Simmons's Corner Bygones design has a nice sophisticated look, talking good advtange of old photos by not overdoing it. I didn't;t like the Christmas lights package as much, but I understand the point there was to get in a lot of submissions.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Fauquier Times Entry Title: Vincent Sales Page Design Entry Credit: Vincent Sales Judge Comment: Vincent Sales "The stealth epidemic" layout" has some very good inside elements, though the graphic page inside overdoes things a bit.