2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Sports Writing Portfolio ( Non-Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Farmville Herald
    Entry Title: W19 Sports writing Brian Carlton
    Entry Credit: Brian Carlton
    Judge Comment: Good leads and strong stories in all three samples. Lead paragraphs would be better if broken up and not so long. A few AP style issues but didn't take away from solid writing.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Recorder
    Entry Title: Sports coverage
    Entry Credit: Mark Pifer
    Judge Comment: 'Blessed' was a strong feature about the father and son. Wrestling story also solid. The story about the two schools becoming one program was strong, but would have been better with a stronger lead.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Carroll News
    Entry Title: Allen Worrell - The Carroll News' Sports
    Entry Credit: Allen Worrell
    Judge Comment: Strong stories but some quotes are a little long and could be whittled down some to get to the essence of what was said. Good lead on the blowout game but missed the lead on the story about the good player.
  • Competition Comment: One duplicate entry, one did not have any stories attached, one writer had two different entries.