2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Slideshow or Gallery ( Non-Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Culpeper Times
    Entry Title: Culpeper Times Slideshow
    Entry Credit: Maria Basileo, William Oakes, Emily Cullen, James Baldwin, Andrew Farewell
    Judge Comment: The intrepid photographers here produce a huge number of images for this paper’s many galleries. The readers must love their photos because this paper serves them up! From a rodeo to a cemetery and other community events, the photos clearly show residents involved in the action and support of each other. It is quite a task to produce this many images from some of these events, which allows the viewer the opportunity to see just how hard these photographers work to document this town. The rodeo gallery stands out as it is not only full of action, but shows life around the arena all during different lighting. The same goes for the roller rink. However, the cemetery is a completely different challenge as there was no action and the prospects for great photography may have been low. The photographer used many aesthetic solutions to make some surprisingly interesting photos.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Rappahannock News
    Entry Title: Rappahannock County celebrates Independence Day 2023
    Entry Credit: Luke Christopher, Ray Boc
    Judge Comment: What a wonderful visual report on Independence Day weekend. There are some photos in here that should be framed and celebrated in town, such as the boy on the tractor, the two girls on the tractor, the boy on the bull and the lovely portrait of Richard Compton. You could do a photo exhibit. The scenes and the faces are that nice. This is a close second as the care from the photographer in how they framed the community celebration to include faces and landscape is evident throughout the photos.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Tidewater News
    Entry Title: Windsor celebrates winning... then and now
    Entry Credit: Titus Mohler
    Judge Comment: This entry has good football action photography and uses the photography to add context to the historical nature of this event. This documents the importance of the night in relationship to the parents, players and other community members. That pride and emotion shows through.
  • Competition Comment: None