2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Multimedia Report ( Daily Group 3) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch
    Entry Title: Richmond Times-Dispatch election coverage
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: The multimedia portions of this election series are very well made, varied and fit as complementary pieces of a whole rather than simply multiple ways to consume the same content. Election coverage lends itself well to this format and the Richmond Times-Dispatch took full advantage.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Virginian-Pilot
    Entry Title: Multimedia Report
    Entry Credit: Macy Friend
    Judge Comment: The Instagram use here is top-notch and innovative, and should be the standard that newspapers strive to achieve in tailoring their social media to the needs of their audience. However, the stories themselves -- and the journalists who wrote them -- were not submitted, only the Instagram posts. I read them anyway, and the stories were similarly the best written of the bunch. But the Instagram posts were the only multimedia elements, making it difficult to place this in first. Kudos to all involved, though, for putting together excellent stories and then working out the best way to make sure those stories get to your audience rather than forcing square pegs into round holes in an effort to force video or audio components where they might not really fit. Reporters Katrina Dix, Gavin Stone, Eliza Noe, Caitlyn Burchett and Josh Janney should share in this award.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch
    Entry Title: Where the Monuments Remain
    Entry Credit: Lee Enterprises newsrooms
    Judge Comment: Video work is excellent quality and the podcast was a very good addition. Impressive, undoubtedly complicated work coordinated among all the journalists involved resulted in a well-told, important series that invites the audience to come in from multiple angles.
  • Competition Comment: None