2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

General News Writing ( Daily Group 1) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Progress-Index
    Entry Title: The murder of Irvo Otieno
    Entry Credit: Bill Atkinson
    Judge Comment: Irvo Otieno's story needs to be told. He needs to be remembered. The community deserves justice and change. These stories lay out all of that with as much detail as the authorities are unable to hide. The writing is strong and clear. Well done. Easily the strongest in the field.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Daily Progress
    Entry Title: 'Are they hiding something?': Calls grow louder for UVa to release review of 2022 shooting
    Entry Credit: Jason Armesto
    Judge Comment: This reporter does a commendable job of getting experts on the record to show why the university's pretexts for hiding publicly commissioned report do not hold water. Good public service. Note: Rating should be 9, not 7. I hit a wrong button.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Daily Progress
    Entry Title: A historically Black church is now an event space. Who decides if it's gentrification?
    Entry Credit: Alice Berry , Reynolds Hutchins
    Judge Comment: Very good job of representing all perspectives. The dive into the site's history is especially relevant. Years pass, things change. This story lets the reader decide which changes are appropriate.
  • Competition Comment: A strong field. A couple of entries could compete well in other categories.