2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Feature Profile Writing (including News Obituaries) ( Online) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Harrisonburg Citizen
    Entry Title: 'Can't Feel at Home' and its legacies
    Entry Credit: Michael Russo
    Judge Comment: In an exceptionally strong field of entries, the winning story stood out for great writing, thoughtful organization and fine use of quotes. The writer really did a great job weaving together the different aspects of the subject's life. Outstanding work
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Cardinal News
    Entry Title: Snake's alive! New species of boa found
    Entry Credit: Emily Hemphill
    Judge Comment: This was a fun story to read. the lead really pulled the reader in. It was well-organized and made good use of quotes from several sources, to give a full picture of the subejct. Great work
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Cardinal News
    Entry Title: Crazy FOIA lady
    Entry Credit: Susan Cameron
    Judge Comment: This was a well done story about a woman and her accomplishments in seeking data and finding out what goes on in her community. I liked the use of quotes and the organization. Good work
  • Competition Comment: This was an outstanding class of entries, and there were several stories that were very close in quality. The winning stories had strong use of quotes and solid organization. They were compelling to read. Other stories were fine personality profiles but would have been stronger contenders had they included more information from others who know the subjects. A few stories needed a stronger hand in organization. But all in all, I enjoyed reading all of these. Thank you for submitting them.