2023 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Education Writing ( Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: 'Still they chose to close our school'; School Board votes against accepting grant from LGBTQ-centered nonprofit; Protest at school board meeting over LGBT-grant vote
    Entry Credit: Emma Martin
    Judge Comment: School closing story was best of the 3. Terrific use of quotes enhanced the stories. Excellent coverage of a school board wrestling with issues others are also facing. Thorough reporting.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: Smith Mountain Lake Christian Academy enjoying new high school facility; 'A great day for Amherst:' High school expansion project breaks ground; Amherst schools' opt-in policy draws more backlash
    Entry Credit: Justin Faulconer
    Judge Comment: Plenty of information packed in the school opening story. Good ledes. Quotes are just quotes if not used in the right places, and you used them well, especially in the controversial opt-in story.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: Sweet Briar College president reflects on tenure; CVCC continues efforts to add skilled workers during labor shortages; An urban food forest comes to R.S. Payne Elementary School
    Entry Credit: Rodney Robinson Jr.
    Judge Comment: Good variety of stories, all well done and interesting, especially the elementary school's urban food forest. Well done.
  • Competition Comment: Overall an excellent category of entries. NOTE: One paper had 3 entries from same reporter but she used same stories in more than one of her entries. Those entries were DQ'd.