2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Sports Column Writing ( Daily Group 1,Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star
    Entry Title: Late broadcaster Neville; Indefatigable Gilyard; and Schweers makes pitch
    Entry Credit: Steve DeShazo
    Judge Comment: My fav - Steve DeShazo has flair, command of his subject material and a good eye for detail. The "obit" column, which often can be trite, was an engaging read. A applaud writers who can pull these off. Well done.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The News & Advance
    Entry Title: After Further Review
    Entry Credit: Ben Cates
    Judge Comment: Love the label to Ben Cates' column. Lively language and sense of fun in his writing. "Tough as Nails" was the first column I've read about a player getting hit by a baseball. Wow. He did a great job on that.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Northern Virginia Daily
    Entry Title: Gerald Almy Sports Column Writing W18
    Entry Credit: Gerald Almy
    Judge Comment: If I need the inside dope on fishing or hunting, I am going to hunt Gerald down! Very practical, to-the-point, news you can use. Who knew you could use rats as lures? His writing is no-frills - and for time-pressed readers, that is a blessing.
  • Competition Comment: Overall, this was a very competitive group. I struggled with second and third place - that was very close. Virginia readers are fortunate to have the breadth and depth of sports coverage - a great mix of personal, trend and competition coverage.