2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Photo-Illustration ( Non-Daily Group 2,Non-Daily Group 4) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Southside Sentinel
    Entry Title: Benefits of Meditation
    Entry Credit: Tom Chillemi
    Judge Comment: Sometimes the simplest illustration is the best. The flowers surrounding the subject and the blurring effectively illustrate the benefit of meditation – allowing everything else around you just fade away. I'm sure readers were drawn to this illustration, and the story!
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: Suffolk News-Herald
    Entry Title: 9/11 Never Forget
    Entry Credit: Jen Jaqua
    Judge Comment: The detail contained in this illustration is impressive, showing how important the events of 9-11 were in this man's life. The thought that went into this is evident. Dropping one or two of the top elements might have made it more effective.
  • Competition Comment: Good job overall, but not a lot of entries. Would like to have seen more.