2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

In-depth or Investigative Reporting ( Non-Daily Group 4) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Prince William Times
    Entry Title: How the state's "red-flag law" was used in Prince William County in 2022
    Entry Credit: Cher Muzyk
    Judge Comment: This entry contained diligent data and information gathering in addition to shining light on a topic readers otherwise would not likely read or hear about. The importance, interest and presentation of the information in the story regarding the community was also key. Great work.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Prince William Times
    Entry Title: Kept at Bay: County board meant to oversee building near protected waterways hasn't met in a decade
    Entry Credit: Daniel Berti
    Judge Comment: This entry included a great deal of background information and history to tell the story of the board that seems to have dried up in the community. This article included a good use of quotes and information gathering from past board members and current projects. Nicely done.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Alexandria Times
    Entry Title: Alex Times Slaughterhouse W16
    Entry Credit: Olivia Anderson
    Judge Comment: Olivia has a real knack for capturing a reader's interest. That alone caught my attention and carried my interest through the entire story. The subject matter and community importance made this story all the more interesting, but the inclusion of strong quotes and background information (the lawsuit, the approval of the business, etc.) also set this entry apart.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: Alexandria Times
    Entry Title: Alex Times Alleged sexual assault W16
    Entry Credit: Olivia Anderson
    Judge Comment: This entry illustrated great community interest. It's a topic journalists around the country should be tackling when tipped off about such an incidence. Olivia also expertly threaded a previous instance into the story to create a more full-bodied article. Nicely done.
  • Competition Comment: This competition was full of figures, charts, thoughtful conversations that brought about strong quotes and required what I would guess was a great deal of research. This category was especially hard to judge with sever stories up for the top three spots. Consider me impressed!