2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

In-depth or Investigative Reporting ( Daily Group 1) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Progress-Index
    Entry Title: Reporting on assisted living home's deficiencies leads to investigation, closure and charges
    Entry Credit: Joyce Chu
    Judge Comment: Excellent, brave reporting to expose terrible conditions at an assisted living facility. Obviously the reporter did great work developing sources and building trust. She also used strong writing and specific details to show the squalid conditions. The reporting caused an investigation and charges against the owner.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Martinsville Bulletin
    Entry Title: New College Institute
    Entry Credit: Patrick Wilson, Holly Kozelsky, Bill Wyatt, Monique Holland
    Judge Comment: Really good example of holding government to account and acting as a watchdog. Good research and good reporting.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The News Leader
    Entry Title: Police, college and this newspaper failed to inform public of serial rapist
    Entry Credit: Jeff Schwaner
    Judge Comment: Suspenseful writing that holds your interest. Great work digging up old sources and getting them to talk about something that happened decades ago. Shows investigative work can be done years later.
  • Competition Comment: None