2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

General News Writing ( Daily Group 3) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Washington Times
    Entry Title: Ukraine Coverage
    Entry Credit: Ben Wolfgang, Joseph Clark
    Judge Comment: So many aspects of the war were detailed, coming to life because the stories were well written. The human element of a French soldier’s conflict whether or not to fight with Ukraine, with his military hero grandfather’s ties there. Also the strategic effect examples, involving air control — surprising many experts — and soldier morale both greatly affecting the outcome to date. And the irony of Democratic “hawks” in Congress surprising pacifist groups.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: Mountain Valley Pipeline coverage
    Entry Credit: Laurence Hammack
    Judge Comment: Lots of moving parts come together extremely well. Adding the human interest element of the hiker was important. Good job of making this battle interesting, from story to story, laying out the various conflicts: namely environmental concerns versus consumer economic benefit and the courts versus government experts and Congress. And reminding readers that billions of dollars continue to be added to a years-delayed project that may, ultimately, be scrapped, therefore wasting billions yet scarring the landscape.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Virginian-Pilot
    Entry Title: Newport News
    Entry Credit: Peter Dujardin
    Judge Comment: Nice job of tugging at the readers’ hearts, reflecting in detail residents’ love of their trailer community. You grab the reader immediately with the human element. You felt bad for the soon-to-be evicted residents — yet the story also detailed the limited options the airport authorities had, for all practical purposes, to save the park.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: March-Williams controversy
    Entry Credit: Luke Weir, Yann Ranaivo
    Judge Comment: A real soap opera well documented, weaving business into the political realm with battle lines firmly drawn.
  • Competition Comment: None