2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Education Writing ( Online) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Cardinal News
    Entry Title: Ralph Berrier education writing
    Entry Credit: Ralph Berrier
    Judge Comment: The lead story catches your attention. Well written, full of information, and wit. The rest are gravy and well done.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Harrisonburg Citizen
    Entry Title: Harrisonburg schools coverage
    Entry Credit: Bridget Manley
    Judge Comment: Very good job covering something everyone takes for granted.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Cardinal News
    Entry Title: Susan Cameron education writing
    Entry Credit: Susan Cameron
    Judge Comment: Well written and documented.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: FauquierNow.com
    Entry Title: Education Writing from James Jarvis
    Entry Credit: James Jarvis
    Judge Comment: Important work. Kudos for tackling it.
  • Competition Comment: A wide range of education topics covered and all well-written. The best shined for being a little on the edge, taking on subjects that aren't normally covered, or are covered with a bias (no bias here). The communities these writers serve are lucky for this level of commitment