2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Design and Presentation ( Specialty ) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Richmond Magazine
    Entry Title: Richmond magazine
    Entry Credit: Justin Vaughan, Rachel Lee, Heather Palmateer, Phong Nyugen, Sarah Barton
    Judge Comment: Richmond magazine has a clear vision of it's design and executes it edition after edition. It maintains a versatility that does not require bending the rules for something special. It all flows well and while multiple designers are listed they appear to execute in chorus without any solo acts breaking the harmony of the design.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: Virginia Business Magazine
    Entry Title: M09 Virginia Business - Joel Smith design
    Entry Credit: Joel Smith
    Judge Comment: Virginia Business is a clean design that fits its intended audience, staying straight forward and within the lines. It comes across with that professional feel expected from a national product.
  • Competition Comment: None