2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Column Writing ( Daily Group 3) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch
    Entry Title: The columns of Bill Lohmann
    Entry Credit: Bill Lohmann
    Judge Comment: Well-written, colorful, feature-ish, people-centered columns.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: Metro columnist Dan Casey
    Entry Credit: Dan Casey
    Judge Comment: Interesting pieces take on two odd public school issues and a woman whose mistaken identity allows readers to see what a colorful life she's had;
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Washington Times
    Entry Title: Bill Russell would be appalled by today's NBA; An open letter to President Biden; The dumpster fire that is the Republican National Committee
    Entry Credit: Michael McKenna
    Judge Comment: Solidly written, D.C.-centric pieces with a national perspective on the NBA, President Biden and the Republican National Committee.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch
    Entry Title: Jeff Schapiro columns
    Entry Credit: Jeff E. Schapiro
    Judge Comment: Editorial-ish pieces center on the politics of Virginia, guns and a governor's ambition.
  • Competition Comment: None