2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Business and Financial Writing ( Daily Group 3) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch
    Entry Title: Richmond Community Hospital
    Entry Credit: Eric Kolenich , Michael Martz, Luca Powell
    Judge Comment: This reporter did their homework, and it's obvious they have a deep understanding of the local medical systems and facilities. The stories, together, explore the issue, explain how it impacts people and offers a forward look at how this could impact the community. While the stories could have benefitted from more everyday people who are impacted, the reporting shows secondhand how people have been impacted … and that’s still valuable. Great job taking a complex issue and telling it in a clear way for readers. Though, that could have been taken a step further with FAQ-style sections that answer questions readers may have about the complex storyline. However, I won't knock points for that because it's clear this story is part of an ongoing reporting effort that could answer those questions elsewhere. As for these three stories, great reporting, writing and framing across the board.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: Luke Weir entry
    Entry Credit: Luke Weir
    Judge Comment: The reporter writes with confidence and a relatable tone that tells not only the current story, but how we got here and where we are going. The level of included background for understanding the topics are spot-on, making the stories concise and easy to follow. No words are wasted, and a thoughtful selection of quotes elevate the writing.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Virginian-Pilot
    Entry Title: Inside Business
    Entry Credit: Sandra Pennecke
    Judge Comment: Great, punchy lede and a fantastic selection of concise quotes make the first story a tight, enjoyable read. As for the second story, great job matching the tone with the subject ... and for simply listing the best signs. Why try writing something clever when your subjects have done it for you? Great job, also, getting a look at how these signs change and the people who change them. It's not as exciting as what the signs say, but it elevates the story beyond what people can already see driving down the street and seeing the signs themselves.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times
    Entry Title: Laurence Hammack entry
    Entry Credit: Laurence Hammack
    Judge Comment: The first piece did a great job of fully exploring a not-in-my-backyard storyline and explaining why it's more complicated than the average person might think ... but also, explained those complications in an easy-to-understand way. As for the other pieces, this reporter does a great job of balancing what the reader needs to know (which isn't always exciting, but the reporter made it interesting) with what they want to know ... answering questions about why bills will increase and what readers will get out of it. Great job explaining complex systems in a way that's easy enough to understand without taking a million paragraphs to get there. It's clear you carefully chose what to include and what to leave out for the sake of clear, concise and informative stories.
  • Competition Comment: None