2022 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Breaking News Photo ( Non-Daily Group 2) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Smithfield Times
    Entry Title: Car meets house
    Entry Credit: Stephen Faleski
    Judge Comment: Good composition considering the location of the car and the tree. Would have been better if there was a person in the image.
  • Place Name: Alternate Winner
    Contestant Name: The Tidewater News
    Entry Title: Collision on Meherrin Road involves Southampton deputy
    Entry Credit: Titus Mohler
    Judge Comment: Good job on getting a person in the photo. Composition could have been better if the photographer had shot the image from behind and up the side of the car.
  • Competition Comment: Underwhelmed with the contest entries. When challenged with situations where there are no people to photograph, the photographer should think out of the box and consider different line of sight positions for capturing the image instead of standing straight on.