Special Sections or Special Editions ( Non-Daily Group 4)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Suffolk News-Herald Entry Title: Superheroes of Western Tidewater Entry Credit: Staff Judge Comment: Loved the theme and that it was consistent through a rather large section. It was fun without being too gimmicky. A more light-hearted way of paying tribute to people who worked through a really depressing time. Enjoyed the added fun touches on the photos.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Suffolk News-Herald Entry Title: 20 Under 21 Entry Credit: Staff Judge Comment: The cover was very well done. I enjoyed the use of color throughout. Design was consistent and I liked the added touches of pull quotes and Q & A boxes.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Chesterfield Observer Entry Title: CO_Special Sections or Editions Entry Credit: Larissa Tyler, staff Judge Comment: Beautiful, consistent design throughout. I enjoyed the style and placement of headlines. A very visually appealing section.