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Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Farmville Herald Entry Title: Salute to Veterans 2021 Entry Credit: Titus Mohler, Crystal Vandegrift, Staci Bridge, Roger Watson, Alexa Massey Judge Comment: Nice, eye-catching cover. Depth of coverage was huge, tons of inspirational stories and sources. Good mix of new and vintage photos. Great tribute to the veterans.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Southside Sentinel Entry Title: Windows on the Bay 2021 Entry Credit: Tom Chillemi, Jackie Nunnery, Susan Simmons, Larry Chowning, Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi, Ann Gardner Eubank Judge Comment: Clean design and good use of white space, and the subtle pops of color were nice. I liked the variety of text style and size. Nice, large photos.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Smithfield Times Entry Title: Hamming it up Entry Credit: Tracy Agnew, Nate Delesine III, Stephen Faleski, Jen Jaqua Judge Comment: I liked the liberal use of photos. Appreciated the added design elements like the "If you go" boxes and frames and drop shadows on the photos.