Special Sections or Special Editions ( Daily Group 2)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star Entry Title: Nurses Entry Credit: Karen Wonsik, Andi Russell Judge Comment: Clean design continued throughout section. The added touches of pull quotes and info boxes helped to break up text. Stories were well done and in-depth but still concise enough for a quick read.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The News & Advance Entry Title: All-Area Athletes Entry Credit: Jon Ness, Ben Cates, Emily Brown, Damien Sordelett Judge Comment: Design immediately caught my eye. Simple but still very visually appealing. I loved the consistent use of large photos and pops of color.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Bristol Herald Courier Entry Title: Racin' Dirty Entry Credit: Allen Gregory, George Stone Judge Comment: Enjoyed the use of headlines and subheads as well as the liberal use of large photos.