Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock News Entry Title: Leaving the Forge Entry Credit: Luke Christopher Judge Comment: Some nice images of the iron worker, along with details of what his work looks like. Good, straightforward visual profile.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock News Entry Title: Community Celebrates Rapp's 'Winter Wonderland' Entry Credit: Luke Christopher, Eric Borst Judge Comment: Nice opening image of the kids running down the hills. Work to shoot more candid photos that document the event, rather than stopping what participants are doing to shoot portraits. Show what people are doing and how they interact with what's happening.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Orange County Review Entry Title: Somerset Steam and Gas Pasture Party Entry Credit: Jeff Poole Judge Comment: Lots of hard work here and the images are documenting the event in a journalistic way. Work to isolate your subjects more cleanly --try using a longer lens--and simplify the images more. Good captions throughout.