Health, Science and Environmental Writing ( Non-Daily Group 4)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Prince William Times Entry Title: COVID-19 challenges: health district vacancies, business inspections, vaccine hesitancy Entry Credit: Daniel Berti Judge Comment: Really great insight into both how a staffing shortage may have played a role in the problems with vaccinations, and explaining why some people were and are hesitant about getting the vaccines. Excellent explanatory and questioning journalism.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Loudoun Now Entry Title: Kara Rodriguez Health Tech BOW Entry Credit: Kara Rodriguez Judge Comment: A variety of stories, but all packed readable explanations of complex topics into effective stories about each topic, whether it was a gun detector, ransomeware or mandates. Great work digging deep into each issue.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Mount Vernon Gazette Entry Title: Booth Envirnmental Writing Entry Credit: Glenda Booth Judge Comment: Each one of these three stories was great at explaining why we needed to know about snakeheads, or gardening or a particular section of the Potomac in a way that told the story effectively. Wonderful work.