Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Charlotte Gazette, The Entry Title: W12 GENERAL NEWS CRYSTAL VANDEGRIFT Entry Credit: Crystal Vandegrift Judge Comment: Outstanding coverage providing vital information to the community as well as showing the human impact of a major event. This is the best of everything local journalism should be.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Union Star Entry Title: Valor Farm Celebrates Veterans Day, one year since groundbreaking Entry Credit: A.J. O'Leary Judge Comment: Well-written article, clear, concise coverage of the event while also presenting the personal needsd which led to the development of the program.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Greene County Record Entry Title: Dogwood Valley Entry Credit: Terry Beigie Judge Comment: Clear and thorough writing on a compolicated story. Don't be afraid to provide definitions of uncommon legal terms.