Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock News Entry Title: Rappahannock News front page Entry Credit: Dennis Brack Judge Comment: Two well-conceived and executed photo illustrations/graphics push this entry to the top. Modern-looking design that still integrates well with the more traditional nameplate. Confused by the white space at bottom left. Is this usually filled by ads?
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Orange County Review Entry Title: Orange County Review A1 Entry Credit: Jeff Poole, Isaac Parrish, Morgan Edwards, Review staff Judge Comment: Very clean-looking design with ample white space, prominent play for photos and good mix of headline styles.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Farmville Herald Entry Title: MO2 Front Page 2021 Entry Credit: Staci Bridge Judge Comment: Strong photo presentation, particularly on the first page of the entry. Numerous deep-red location tags are distracting to the eye and when paired with ragged-right type can appear off-center.