Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Commonwealth Times Entry Title: The front page designs of The Commonwealth Times Entry Credit: Gabrielle Wood, Jayce Nguyen Judge Comment: These front pages, with their creative use of cutouts, color schemes, photo illustrations and tiled mugshots really pop. The design elements each serve a useful purpose, except perhaps for the scalloped corners on the vote-percentage graphic, which seem merely ornamental.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Amherst New Era-Progress Entry Title: July 1, Sept. 23, Nov. 18 Entry Credit: Ashley Kendera, Marissa McCloy, Michen Dewey, Justin Faulconer Judge Comment: Cleanly designed with the right mix of headline fonts and sizes.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Greene County Record Entry Title: April 8, June 17, Dec. 9 Entry Credit: Terry Beigie, Kathleen Borrelli Judge Comment: The local names and faces readers want from a weekly paper dominate these pages and the layouts include enough white space to give them adequate play.