Feature Story Writing (excluding Obituaries) ( Online)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Charlottesville Tomorrow Entry Title: What could happen to Charlottesville’s Confederate monuments? Here’s where 29 others in Virginia ended up. Entry Credit: Charlotte Woods, Jessie Higgins Judge Comment: An excellent in-depth look at the difficult decision on what to do with Confederate monuments that have been removed. A fresh and important angle.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Charlottesville Tomorrow Entry Title: From this long-neglected cemetery in the heart of Charlottesville, a handful of volunteers are unearthing stories of Charlottesville’s Black forebears Entry Credit: Erin O'Hare Judge Comment: Great description and wonderful stories about the people buried in the once neglected cemetery.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Charlottesville Tomorrow Entry Title: Charlottesville Greyhound patrons kicked to the curb: Bus station demoted to a stop on Ridge Street Entry Credit: Erin O'Hare Judge Comment: Nicely told through the passengers' perspective. Great description.