Feature Story Writing (excluding Obituaries) ( Non-Daily Group 1)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Greene County Record Entry Title: Terry Beigie Feature Story Entry Credit: Terry Beigie Judge Comment: Interesting story about what became a family affair to develop a brewery and winery at what was the county's first vineyard. Well researched and great detail.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Greene County Record Entry Title: Journey Williams feature story Entry Credit: Kathleen Borrelli Judge Comment: Nice interview about a farm boy's unusual journey to become a well-known piano tuner. Enjoyable!
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Commonwealth Times Entry Title: VCU alumna signs with international modeling agency Entry Credit: Sahara Sriraman Judge Comment: Interesting story about a young woman's path to a modeling career. Rounded out nicely with other voices.