Feature Story Writing (excluding Obituaries) ( Daily Group 3)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch Entry Title: 'She's trying to help hundreds of people': Faith inspires advocate in her fight for the underserved Entry Credit: Reed Williams Judge Comment: A powerful story about society's ills told through the incredible work of one woman. The writer nicely weaves in the statistics without harming the flow.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Richmond Times-Dispatch Entry Title: A Richmond family visited Afghanistan one last time. Then the Taliban arrived. Entry Credit: Eric Kolenich Judge Comment: A compelling narrative of one family's difficult journey out of Afghanistan in a chaotic and dangerous situation. Nicely told.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Virginian-Pilot Entry Title: Jack the Ripper in Norfolk? The mysterious tale of James Maybrick's ties to the grisly murders- and how his own bitter end Entry Credit: Katherine Hafner Judge Comment: A very interesting read about the possible man behind Jack the Ripper and his Norfolk ties.