Feature Profile Writing (including News Obituaries) ( Non-Daily Group 3)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Fauquier Times Entry Title: Dairy farmer Ken Smith sees himself as a caretaker Entry Credit: Robin Earl Judge Comment: The author captured the personality through vivid descriptions of the subject's actions, as well as family's observations.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock Record Entry Title: Carroll Lee Ashburn Entry Credit: Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi Judge Comment: This subject's character and love of community is engaging for readers. Well-written, good depth and insight into the subject.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Rappahannock Record Entry Title: Cowgirl Dream Entry Credit: Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi Judge Comment: The drive and passion of this subject comes through this piece, along with her practicality and competitive spirit.