Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Virginian-Pilot Entry Title: Education Entry Credit: Sara Gregory Judge Comment: I knew I had a winner in the first sentences of the story on what one hears at a school board meeting. The writer grabbed me by the hand and took me right inside. Once there, I didn't want to leave,
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Roanoke Times Entry Title: Education Writing - Luke Weir Entry Credit: Luke Weir Judge Comment: Nice take on the comments at school boards. Interesting to hear it from the board perspective.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Washington Times Entry Title: Biden's Education Department buried in avalanche of complaints; 'Revolutionizing a culture'; Cardona retreats from making critical race theory part of new school grants Entry Credit: Kery Murakami Judge Comment: This writer is coming at issue from a different ideological background that most, but he's doing it fairly and well.