Combination Picture and Story ( Daily Group 2)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Bristol Herald Courier Entry Title: Vicious cycle: COVID-19's effects on region Entry Credit: David McGee, David Crigger, Robert Allen Judge Comment: Great job getting the voices of nurses working in the pandemic, and providing numbers as context.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star Entry Title: A Father’s Day to celebrate faith, family and ‘a miracle’ Entry Credit: Amanda Montag, Cathy Dyson, Peter Cihelka Judge Comment: A very impactful story matched perfectly with photos.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Free Lance-Star Entry Title: Women making headway on high school sidelines Entry Credit: Karen Wonsik, Joey LoMonaco, Peter Cihelka Judge Comment: A newsworthy topic well covered and photographed.