2019 VPA News and Advertising Contest

Feature Story Writing (excluding Obituaries) ( Daily Group 1)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The News Leader
    Entry Title: Silent No More
    Entry Credit: Laura Peters
    Judge Comment: As I read this, I thought how unfortunate it was that I was doing so at the end of the work day when time was short. But this series compelled me to make the time, take the time, create the time to read every word. I eagerly read more and more and more. It quickly became apparent that this would top the list, that it was among the best — the best — I was going to see. I would think readers anxiously anticipated the next installment in the series when it was published. Great job!!!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The News Leader
    Entry Title: The Art of Dying
    Entry Credit: Jeff Schwaner
    Judge Comment: Death is something we all face, but usually avoid thinking about. I faced it with my father a little more than a year ago. This piece is insightful and compelling, written in such a way as to not only entice you to continue. but realize you are unable to stop until you reach the end. And then contemplate what you've just read, what you've just experienced. Very thought-provoking. It's a shame two first-place plaques couldn't have been given. Consider this 1A.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Danville Register and Bee
    Entry Title: Halle Parker - Feature story writing
    Entry Credit: Halle Parker
    Judge Comment: As I started to read this, I was settling in for an enjoyable story that was being laid out in detail. Then I was hit in the face by the third paragraph, and all the paragraphs that followed. Whoa!!! Very well portrayed. You painted a vivid picture with words. Well depicted. You make the reader feel as if they are in the restaurant with Emma, and as if they had experienced all that Kristen had endured. Very well done. Too bad this couldn't have been ranked higher. A very difficult choice in a very competitive category.